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Space Manager: slave idle wait

Short Description

Idle event. Oracle In memory option space management process (Wnnn) is waiting to be allocated work.

Detailed Description​

Both the The Space Management Coordinator (SMCO) and the In Memory Coordinator (IMCO) use Space Management Slave Processes (Wnnn) perform various background space management tasks, including proactive space allocation and reclamation from dropped objects.

This IDLE wait is shown when the process is waiting to be allocated work.

How to reduce this wait​

Space Manager: slave idle wait is an IDLE wait and not normally a concern as it indicates the process is inactive and is waiting to be given work to do. After being spawned, the Wnnn processes run autonomously until they complete their task, and then wait to be allocated another task. The Wnnn process will exit and have to be respawned if it stays idle too long.

Oracle Reference - Background processes (IMCO, SMCO and Wnnn)

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